
Company Profile

Company Name bmx
BEAMX Corporation
Address 10F Kannai-Denshi Bldg., 1-2-1 Tokiwa-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0014 Japan
(Access map)
TEL +81-45-228-9941
FAX +81-45-228-9942
URL http://www.beamx.jp/
E-mail info@beamx.jp
Established March 2, 2012
Capital 5 million yen
President Shinichi Mandai
(Visiting Professor, Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University)
Major service and product

Maintenance, consulting and sale of the following product & system

  1. Accelerator system for security use such as cargo & baggage X-ray inspection system
  2. Accelerator system for medical use such as X-ray & heavy ion cancer therapy system
  3. Radiation applied system such as radiation monitoring system
  4. Research use accelerator system such as electron linear accelerator, X-ray generator and synchrotron
  5. Non-destructive inspection system for industrial product & infrastructure
  6. Nuclear power related system
Major Customers Japan Customs (Ministry of Finance)
National University
IHI Corporation

Business History

March 2012 Establishment at Yokohama
Start of maintenance service of accelerator system for medical and research use and radiation applied system
October 2013 Acquirement of bid qualification for Japanese Ministry and Agency
April 2014 Start of maintenance service of accelerator system for security use
October 2014 Start of development of non-destructive inspection system for infrastructure based on Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) of Cabinet Office of Japanese Government

Partner Company , Firm and Specialist

NIKI GLASS Co.,Ltd http://www.nikiglass.co.jp/
AET, INC. http://www.aetjapan.com/
Accuthera, Inc. http://www.accuthera.com/
ANSeeN Corporation http://anseen.com/
Tokyo General Accounting Office KOIKE & Partners http://www.tokyo-sogo.jp/
Masashi Yamamoto (Accelerator specialist) http://www.yamamo10.jp/yamamoto/home/yamamoto_masashi/
Yokohama Shinkin Bank (Head Office)
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Yokohama branch)